Hi, I'm Giada Zuccolo!

< Sound and Music Computing Researcher />

Passionate about exploring the intersection of technology, music, and education
specialized in developing innovative applications that enhance learning and communication.
- ChatGPT's quote about me

CSC, Department of Information Engineering (University of Padua)

About Me

I am a creative individual whose strength lies in finding the best solutions to challenges. I am highly motivated, eager to help others, and experienced in both team-based and individual work. My curiosity drives me to constantly explore new ideas, which is why I have always been fascinated by the world of computing and its potential applications in everyday life.


In a randomic order:

  • Python
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • C# in Unity
  • React JS
  • MySQL
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS
  • Machine Learning algorithms
  • Computer Vision algorithms


SoundRise is an educational app born to be and add on tool in speech therapy pathways for children and adolescents with hearing and communication difficulties. Using a friendly sun to visually represent vocal characteristics like pitch, intensity, and timbre in real time, it aids in understanding voice dynamics.
Check the pubblication, or try the SoundRise application.

Check my GitHub page to discover other projects.


  • Alessandro Fiordelmondo, Giada Zuccolo, Sergio Canazza, and Raul Masu (2024). Longevity in NIME research: a case study using time-based media art preservation models. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2024).
  • Pierluigi Bontempi, Daniele Manerba, Giada Zuccolo, Sergio Canazza (in press). A multi-objective optimization approach for automatic and highly configurable fingering of monophonic melodies on fretted instruments. Operations Research Journal.
  • Giada Zuccolo, Sergio Canazza, Andrea Franceschini (2024). A New Sunrise for Speech Therapy: SoundRise Application. Proceedings of the CHIME Annual One-day Music and HCI Conference 2024, Milton Keynes, UK, 2024.


Beyond research and technology, I enjoy playing various musical instruments, performing live, and volunteering as a youth educator.

For collaboration, information, or only for a coffee,
you can contact me at my email address zuccologiada@gmail.com
or on